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How to Spot What’s Not Real on Tiktok

Misinformation on TikTok is a growing concern, with a significant number of videos containing false information. The widespread dissemination of false content not only poses risks to users but also has broader implications for public opinion and beliefs. In this article, we will delve into the alarming spread of misinformation on TikTok, examine its potential impact, and provide practical tips to help users spot and counter false information effectively.

TikTok, the popular social media app known for its short and entertaining videos, has become a breeding ground for misinformation. According to a study by NewsGuard, around 20% of videos in TikTok’s search results last year contained misinformation.

This alarming trend underlines the need for users to be vigilant and to have the necessary tools to train our brains on identifying false content and misinformation. Indeed, the reason we fall into the trap of misinformation is that our minds can react in one of two ways when confronted with new information: intuitively or critically. When we react intuitively, under the influence of emotions such as anger or fear, it’s harder for us to think critically and evaluate information objectively. This tendency makes us susceptible to the trap of misinformation, which often exploits these emotional reactions.

IMPACT OF MISINFORMATION ON TIKTOKThe widespread disinformation or misleading information on TikTok can have significant consequences:

  1. Inaccurate Information Dissemination: Misinformation can mislead and deceive TikTok users, impacting their understanding of various topics, including politics, current events, and sciences.
  2. Shaping Public Opinion and Beliefs: False information has the potential to influence public opinion and beliefs. Popular fake news can create misconceptions and shape perceptions that deviate from reality.
  3. Damage to Reputations: Individuals, institutions, or entire communities may suffer reputational harm due to false charges or misinformation shared on TikTok, affecting people’s trust and confidence.
  4. Polarization and Division: Misleading content can deepen societal divisions by amplifying conflicts or promoting extremist views, exacerbating existing divisions within society.
  5. Personal and Public Safety Concerns: Misinformation on TikTok, especially when it relates to health or safety, can endanger individuals or create fear and confusion during emergencies.


  1. Scrutinize Video Editing and Context: Misleading videos can be edited to alter the narrative or misrepresent information. Pay attention to suspicious editing techniques, misleading captions, or altered contexts within videos.
  2. Fact-Check Claims: Don’t rely solely on TikTok for information. Cross-reference claims made in videos with reputable sources, such as fact-checking websites, scientific journals, or official government websites.
  3. Evaluate Account Credibility: Examine the profile of the account sharing the video. Look for indicators such as a verified badge, consistent and reliable content, and information about the creator’s expertise or background.
  4. Pay Attention to Sound Descriptions: Many TikTok videos use popular sounds or voices that are not original. Click on the sound description to see other videos that have used the same sound. This can help identify whether the content is genuine or a mimicry.
  5. Analyze Emotional Responses: Misinformation often triggers strong emotional reactions. Be cautious when encountering content that provokes intense emotions, as it may be designed to manipulate rather than inform.
  6. Engage in Critical Thinking: Train yourself to think critically and question the information you encounter. Develop the habit of verifying claims and seeking multiple reliable sources before accepting information as true.


Recognizing the gravity of the issue, TikTok has taken steps to address misinformation on its platform. The app has partnered with fact-checkers worldwide to verify the accuracy of the content. Misleading or false information is promptly removed to ensure users are not misled about real-world events. Additionally, TikTok has implemented rules requiring clear labeling of the content generated by artificial intelligence.

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