Campaigning together to ensure that facts prevail over disinformation and fake news – that is our mission.
As the director of a non-profit foundation in the field of artificial intelligence (CognitiveValley), it is particularly important to me that AI algorithms and the data on which they are based are as free as possible from bias. Furthermore, the social and political debate on the potentials and dangers of AI must be as factual and democratic as possible. Let’s unite for a more enlightened and more factual world! Of course, we will continue to make bad decisions in the future; to err is human and, fortunately, so is our diversity of opinions. But bad decisions and actions should never be based on misinformation, targeted manipulation or fake news. In this sense: #ReclaimTheFacts, now!
Director of the Cognitive Valley Cognitive Switzerland Foundation
In a democracy, the freedom to form an opinion is the basis of lasting decisions. In his farewell speech, former Bundestag President Norbert Lammert said: “A vital democracy cannot be recognized by the fact that ultimately the majority wins, but that on the way to decision , minorities obtain their rights”. Unlike previously established information models, today we are informed in an omnipresent, paraprofessional and quality-free manner. Radical, polarizing, even deliberately false information is a significant element of this. In order to maintain our democratic consciousness, it is therefore essential to devote ourselves to the facts, to ensure the security of information and thus to allow open formation of opinion.
Degree in mathematics.
Since 1982, I have been committed to a sustainable economy and lifestyle, mainly on a voluntary basis. The enormous challenges facing humanity – climate change, overpopulation, transformation of the energy system, coexistence with artificial intelligence, currently still a pandemic, etc. – can only be overcome if we are guided by the facts and by the scientific methodology of interpreting the facts. It is science that brought humanity out of the Middle Ages and brought us prosperity from which – still too few – but more and more people are benefiting. Science leads to innovation, to new solutions. When I observed in recent months, how increasingly, under the impetus of the COVID-19 pandemic, disinformation is pushed, beyond scientific facts and partly fundamental physical laws (nature of 5G, effect CO2 greenhouse etc.), I created this platform. We must not leave vital decisions about future plans to the proponents of conspiracy theories who use disinformation to destabilize people and specifically combat fact-based decisions. Therefore: #ReclaimTheFacts!
«Mr. Campaigning»